Trailblazer Tales

10 Years of Merit Badge College: A Journey of Learning and Growth

Written by Colette Buford | Jan 17, 2024 1:29:48 AM

Colette Buford is the founder of the Merit Badge College in Paducah, KY. We asked her to reflect on the last 10 years of Merit Badge College, how it all started, and how she hopes to see it grow.

Ten Years.  Wow.   

Ten Years ago, my children were energetic, curious and very busy scouts. They were invested in learning at school. They played sports, competed on Academic Team and participated in clubs. My children loved to learn new things and they still do. In between our scheduled activities, we tirelessly searched websites and social media pages to locate small and large merit badge events. Events that would give them opportunities to learn, grow and explore in fun, creative ways. Merit badges that might spark their interest in a new hobby, shape their career goals or simply allow them to have an intelligent conversation with someone they meet in their life path.   

When we found one, we were excited to see what opportunities they might have. We had so much to do and often not much time to accomplish it! Would it fit our busy schedule? In the beginning, it was easy to find merit badges they were interested in taking.  In the later years, it was much harder to find things they didn’t already have. We eagerly read the entire leader guide to make sure we were eligible to attend. We arranged schedules, planned travel times, shelter and food. We registered for events and printed paperwork. We bought merit badge books, met pre-requisites, and completed blue cards. We packed supplies and backup supplies. We traveled most weekends during the winter months to attend events. Sometimes, all the work paid off and we got to go. Sometimes, we didn’t.     

Sometimes, events were a few hours away or we left at all hours of the morning.
Sometimes we camped or stayed with friends/family or in hotels.
Sometimes it was easy.
Sometimes it was hard.
Sometimes, I slept in a Walmart parking lot so that I could drive us home safely.  

Once we arrived at the event, we navigated our way through the registration system. If it was a new event for us, we often had to ask directions. Together, we had to navigate all the pieces in this unfamiliar place where we did not know anyone. I needed to know where my children were, who was teaching them and what they were doing. I constantly had to observe their comfort level for this new environment and provide guidance when needed, being sure to allow them to be independent at a level they were capable of. I would either sit at the back of the classroom or find a quiet waiting space. Most of my day was spent just waiting. But all the waiting was blurred out by one inevitable event. Every time my children would come out of class with a proud, happy look on their face and declare “I finished the merit badge!  They signed my card!”  Then, they would quickly tell me the exciting things they learned before they rushed off to the next class.   

Every time, my scouts learned something.
Every time, we met new people and had great discussions.
Every time, I saw things about running a merit badge college that I liked.
Every time, we had a good experience.
Every time, we could not wait to come back next year.

Ten Years ago, I wanted our local scouts to have these opportunities.
Ten Years ago, I wanted local troops, including my own, to have opportunities to connect scouts to experts that were out of their reach. Ten Years ago, I wanted scouts from other troops, councils, and states to come here to learn from local resources.

I am so proud of the opportunity our scouts have had over the last ten years.  With 46 different merit badges, hundreds of scouts and volunteers attending, and more than 70 troops participating, the last ten years, we have more than met my goals. I am thankful for the confidence, assistance and guidance of my troop leadership, Mr. John Wood and Mr. Gene Russell. I am thankful for ten years of partnerships with West Kentucky Community & Technical College and evolving partnerships with McCracken County Courthouse, Paducah School of Art & Design, Lone Oak Animal Clinic, West End Baptist Church, and Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center.   

I am excited to see the next Ten Years. Hopefully, it will bring more great partnerships, more merit badges and tons of new opportunities for scouts from anywhere to have opportunities to learn, grow and explore in fun, creative ways.